Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sneezing, Coughing, Headaches... Ohh My!

So it seems a small cold is running through the house. Stephen has been fighting a sinus infection for a little while now an dis on antibiotics to help. Terry has been getting headaches the last few nights which he thinks is sinus related. I have had a scratchy throat and sinus issues today. This does not bode well for us. I hope Nathan doesn't get it to, although if everyone else has it there is a chance he will too.

Cooking dinner every night seems to be going good, although it does create a lot of dishes. It is better than frozen pizza or hamburger helper. It also gives us a lot of left overs, in fact those have been my lunch for most of the week as well. It is hard to cook for just two of us (Stephen doesn't count because he usually doesn't eat any of it) and not have left overs. I suppose I could scale back the recipes a bit, but if it turns out really good (Like the biscuit topped pot pie) we will need those extras.

Nathan is still being quite the piggy and has been cluster feeding (eating every 1-1.5 hrs) today. I am hoping he will give me a bit of a break through the night tonight. I could use more than an hour or two sleep in one shot. He is also turning out to be a lot like his daddy and brother, in that he is a noisy sleeper (he snores, makes noises, etc), which keeps me up since I don't know if he is doing it in his sleep or truly waking up for another feeding. We will find out if he has gained weight (I think he has) on Wednesday, although he has developed (or re-opened) a small sore where his circumcision was done, so we may try to go in before Wednesday if it looks like he needs it looked at.

Stephen is still adjusting to having a baby in the house. I think the novelty is starting to wear off and he is starting to act out in hopes for some extra attention. Unfortunately, he does it in the most inopportune times (like when I am nursing) and that makes it hard. I think we may try to do some outside time tomorrow. I would like to get a wrap/fabric to make my own, so I can carry Nathan hands free and still be able to push Stephen in a stroller. Maybe later this week I will be able to make a run.

Good night to all and remember to hug and kiss your loved ones!

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